Google+ Adventures with Baby Boo Bear: Becoming Crunchy: Mama Cloth, Part I

Friday, August 2, 2013

Becoming Crunchy: Mama Cloth, Part I

Disclaimer: I was not given product or compensation in exchange for this review.  These opinions are my own and were in no way influenced by the company.  Nor was I asked to write a review.

I am going to talk about periods in this post.  If you don't like it I warn you to stop reading now, just stop.

Okay, if you've read past that line consider yourselves warned.

Craig & I have made a lot of changes since Emmett was born.  We've altered our diets to ensure we live longer, healthier lives for him, we've changed almost all of our cleaning supplies to more eco friendly versions and have started to replace our (and Emmett's) personal hygiene products with brands that contain less chemicals, fillers etc. 

I've heard a lot about Mama Cloth in my social media circles.  Emmett wears fluff on his bum rather than chemical laden diapers....why shouldn't I at least ENTERTAIN the idea?

I toyed with the idea, did some research and then decided that it wasn't for me.  Not right then.  Well then I got my period annnnddd my stupid dog got into the garbage (I warned you to stop reading if you didn't want the details), gross I know. 


I picked a few companies that were local (well, at least made in North America) to review and compare.

The companies that will be included in the review (Part II):

Talulah Bean - WAHM (work at home Mom) from Washington grey/purple flower print

Lunapads - Operated by women in Vancouver, BC, Canada apples pattern

Tree Hugger Cloth Pads - WAHM, Canadian polka dots print

So, how do they hold up?  Stayed tuned for Part II next Friday!

Until then have a safe and happy long weekend Canadian Mama's (and a great weekend for all our other readers)!

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